

Maks Rasmussen, Marketing and Business Development

As my experience in business development and marketing grew so did the amount of responsibility and size of teams I had to manage. This is the main reason why I got “back to school” to better myself in the art of manageing a brand and motivating the people around me.

This course was very inspiring, and I can highly recommend it to anyone who works with people. The course covers:

  • Becoming a visionary leader

  • Setting effektive goals and expectations

  • Understanding human needs and drivers of performance across cultures.

  • How to create a shared vision for the team and effectively communicate it to all teammates.

  • Alligning reward and behavior

Constant fast change has become a reality of our time. Agile has become a popular leadership philosophy and a project management methodology for addressing this reality. This is why I chose to take this specialization.

While the theory is simple, it’s much more challenging to become Agile in practice. We learned to apply Agile principles and philosophy within our team and organization

  • Develop change resilience at a personal- team- and organization level

  • Transform ourself, our team, and our organization from traditional into Agile

This course was very interesting, teaching how to change the conception of brands as being an organisation's visual identity (e.g., logo) and image (customers' brand associations) to an experience with "moments-that-matter" along the customer journey and, therefore, delivered by people across the entire organisation. Brands are thus not only an external promise to customers, but a means of executing business strategy via internal brand-led behaviour and culture change.

Ever wondered why some things become popular, and other don't? Why some products become hits while others flop? What are the key ideas behind viral marketing?

That’s exactly what we went over with this course as well as applying these ideas to be more effective at marketing anything. We also went through how to make ideas stick, how to increase influence, how to generate more word of mouth, and how to use the power of social networks to spread information and influence.

To be honest, this one was paid for by a workplace, as I had to complete it as a formality.

It was nice to brush up on:

  • How to establish and manage a social media presence

  • How to create a brand, tone, and voice for a social media presence

  • How to manage a content calendar for a social media presence

  • How to evaluate the performance of content on social media and how to iterate on that performan